Friday, January 1, 2010

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

We welcome you all to a  glorious twenty-ten. We've enjoyed January first and are steadily approaching January 2nd in t-minus two hours and 38 minutes. 

Our New Years Celebrations were diverse as our clan is a bit scattered at the moment. Melanie and I are holding down the fort still in Waitati at the incredible home we've been housesitting for the past two weeks. We had a mellow New Years. The girls have Connie, so we laid low, made a fire, ate artichokes from the garden, made a vegan/gluten-free dessert, and drank a bottle of champagne with our new friend Simon (a local Dunedin-ite who is passionate about bikes, creating a bike friendly community, getting everyone to ride bikes, and spreading love through the creation of organic community gardens--a pretty cool cat). Mel and I brought in the New Year screaming "Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit" and the banging of pots and pans. 

Our dear cougars, Megan, Christy, and Roxy boogied up to the big city of Christchurch for a New Years extravaganza, which I hope they will someday write about. All I know is that they danced the night away at Sol Square and the infamous Boogie Nights with a group of 19 year-old-hotties...

We tried to call Danielle a bunch last night but were unable to get a hold of her. This probably means that she was having the time of her life somewhere on the North Island and had no chance to answer her cell phone. I miss her and wish that she was not on the other isle! So, Danielle, if you're reading this, we all would like to know what you did for New Years. 

Megan's lovely parents, Scott and Diane Martin spent New Years at a bed and breakfast in Kaikoura. I'm sure they're being blown away by the awe inspiring mountains meeting the sea, and that they felt Kaikoura to be the perfect place to ring in the new decade.

Danielle's parents, Ron and Brenda, left this paradise just before the New Year, and are celebrating it with all you peeps on the Northern Hemisphere. (You all should email them about their trip, because I am fairly positive they will convince everyone to come).

I think that's everyone...

Now, Mel and I are seriously chillin' in Waitati. We have a few more days of car-less bliss, miles from town, reading books, journaling, and eating artichokes...

So, with that, we just want to wish you all a happy happy New Year. This next year is looking pretty wonderful. 

(Roxy's here!)

(cooking in Waitati with the Martins)
(A pretty spectacular day on the Otago Penninsula)
(The Martin Fam, missing Tyler, and Heather, of course).


  1. Happy new year to all my sweeties down under from those of us up and over. Can't wait to hear of the dancing marathon with the kiwi kids. So do tell...

  2. Aw... thanks for the "shout out" in the picture. Miss you so much! I'm so glad mom and dad Martin made it safely!!
