Friday, October 16, 2009

wanderin' with waves

So, because we only have my wee lil’ Netbook and can’t upload Lauren’s massive picture files, I would recommend google image searching Kaikoura and then Mangamaunu before reading on. Kaikoura happens to be the convenient combination of Big Sur, the Canadian Rockies, Napa Valley, and the Hawaiian coast. I honestly believe it is one of the most magical places I have ever been, let alone surfed.

The second google image search that you should have already done is of a magnificently peeling completely empty powerful right-hander off the Kaikoura coast. The first day, Lauren and I surfed a shoulder/head high swell with a 14 second plus period with the snow-capped mountains as our backdrop… totally alone. The area is casually referred to as ‘Meatworks’ because underneath the waves and our surfboards are boulders that never rest. When the waves roll in, so do the boulders and an eerie, rumbling, thunder-like sound can be heard. Before surfers wore booties, the rocks were known to cut up their feet… Hence, ‘Meatworks.’ Lauren and I happily donned our booties and carefully timed our paddle out between the waves and boulders.

Our next surf stop is the Mahia Peninsula... The favorite area of Lauren's older brother. Planning on spending a week wandering about. A sentence we've heard over and over: 'I mean, the drive is great... it's so beautiful... and then the WAVES. Wow.' NZ is a bit of a mecca for our types and it just keeps getting better.

In other news, heard that Mr. Obama won the Peace prize... props, dude. We are all super curious to know how home is feeling about it all. Comments/Concerns?


  1. Sounds beautiful and amazing! Funny thing, the other night I had a dream that you and Megan were teaching me to surf.

  2. obama's peace prize: strange as he is the commander in chief of a country that is simultaneously fighting two wars in the middle east. Lets hope it inspires him to be more peaceful.

  3. that wave is friggin absurd. the jealousy grows.

    peace prize: kinda feel like it was an "eff you" to G-dub. Obama still has his presidency ahead of him, so i feel it was premature.

    nonetheless, pretty rad thing to put on one's resume. "won nobel prize"

    "you, my friend, are hired"
