Monday, October 26, 2009

mountain biking?

So, today we realized the glory of Coni's hitch... because, yes, we can tow whatever we want... what with our V6 and all. The combination of a bench seat, a 3.8 cylinder liter engine, and a tow ball means we can cart six people and a trailer with six mountain bikes up to the Rotorua Mountain Bike Park (it's pretty legit.. they fully shuttle you up the mount and there's 'routes' marked out. like a ski mountain).

And thus began Megan and I's first mountain biking experience... ever. (Lauren is a seasoned vet; she went to mountain biking camp when she was 12) We didn't really take pictures because... well... my eyes were closed most of the time, anyway, and we barely had time to think. If I could sum up the afternoon in a few words it would probably mainly consist of 'aaah... eeehhhh... AAAHHHHHHHHHH' and then uncontrollable laughter.

At one point, Lauren yelled back at me, 'I wish we were surfing!' But I think it was good, really... i mean, i feel bad for the tree i hit, but it's okay. We decided we'd do it again someday, but feel that somehow rock climbing/surfing/basically any other extreme sport is WAY easier AND safer than mountain biking.

End result: a much, much deeper respect for any and all mountain bikers. way to go. props.


  1. Well I trust you guys were at least wearing HELMETS!

  2. Careful ladies! Sounds like fun though!!

  3. ha! i love you guys. glad the tree and all your skulls are okay. been climbing lately?
    love love love!

  4. Hey, I'm following you girls now. Take care of Christy. She's getting ready to join you day after tomorrow. Packing and checking it twice. I'm so proud of you and your adventurous sense of how to take on the world after graduation. There's a world to explore and adventure to be had. I always believe travel makes you a citizen of the world....and now you are doing it. You go, girls.... XOXO MommySal

  5. Too much fun. We all have to find our comfort zone with safety. Diving with sharks, fine by me. Climbing a mild hill, oh my - i might fall. So keep trying all kinds of new things. Your blog is fantastic we love following your travels. Caroline
